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Shazam launches Radio Spins

Shazam launches Radio Spins

Shazam launches Radio Spins which monitors more than 40,000 radio stations from over 200 countries and regions to produce a Top 200 Global radio chart. For Shazam and Apple Music users you can either listen [...]
SuperStereo 1+ goes Disco

SuperStereo 1+ goes Disco

SuperStereo 1+ goes Disco with a dedicated programme of Disco, Soul and Funk making it the Chilean network’s eighth channel. Their website can be found at which has a webplayer for all their channels [...]

AIDA Radio

AIDA Radio is a German radio station broadcasting with a terrestrial DAB+ transmitter and an internet presence which includes a CD Quality Lossless FLAC stream. The station is owned by cruise operator AIDA Cruises with [...]

Qobuz updates its mobile apps

Qobuz updates its mobile apps with a new Android TV beta, Android Auto integration and a new Radio feature for both iOS and Android devices. Android TV (Beta version) – Qobuz have rolled out a [...]

Eirewave Radio

Eirewave is a UK-based pop and rock music radio station with terrestrial DAB transmitters in Belfast and Derry plus an internet radio presence with availability on the UK Radioplayer, smart speakers and devices, various radio [...]

Global recorded music revenues grew 10.2% in 2023

Global recorded music revenues grew 10.2% in 2023 driven largely by growth in paid subscription streaming according to IFPI, the organisation that represents the recorded music industry worldwide. Figures released recently in IFPI’s Global Music Report show total [...]

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