Qobuz celebrates two years of HiRes in the US

Users doubled in 2020

Qobuz celebrates two years of HiRes in the US
Qobuz celebrates two years of HiRes in the US

Qobuz celebrates two years of HiRes in the US on Valentines Day with its user base doubling in 2020. The streamer offers HiRes 24-bit 192 kHz audio, editorial content, liner notes, lyric booklets, and other music related content. The company has forged partnerships with all of the leading hardware brands to make it the clear choice for hardcore music lovers.

They have also spearheaded the campaign against compressed music by ditching MP3s, winning the approval of the grandmaster of HiRes music – Neil Young – in the process. He has said of Qobuz: “That is a great service.” His catalogue of music is available on Qobuz, much of it in HiRes.

In 2020, they began a successful out-of-app conversation series, ‘Qobuz Live’, to educate music lovers and audiophiles about topics of music and HiRes. The series has so far attracted guests like Perry Farrell, Archie Shepp, Ashley Kahn, recording greats Bill Schnee and Cookie Marenco, and reps of iconic brands including Bowers & Wilkins, Klipsch, and Kef.

Dan Mackta, Qobuz US Managing Director said of two years of growth and Hi-Res in the US, “We’ve come a long way very quickly, made possible by enthusiastic partners in the music industry and creative community”

Qobuz was founded in Paris in 2007 and launched in the US in 2019 and is available in 11 other countries worldwide. Qobuz currently has a catalogue of more than 70 million titles.

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