Qobuz is first HiRes streaming service on Sonos

Qobuz is first HiRes streaming service on Sonos

Qobuz is first HiRes streaming service on Sonos delivering 24-bit HiRes audio streaming using the Sonos S2 app. In 2013, Qobuz became the first music service to offer 16-bit FLAC streaming on Sonos. And now, it is continuing to expand access to higher-resolution streaming on Sonos by introducing 24-bit streaming, compatible with most products on the Sonos S2 platform, which supports up to 48 kHz/24-bit audio resolution. This new integration builds on Qobuz’s continued expansion […]


MOOV launches Hong Kong’s first HiRes streaming service

MOOV launches Hong Kong’s first HiRes streaming service with a 24-bit FLAC mobile app offering studio master quality content. With the introduction of 24-bit music service, MOOV will have the largest 24-bit FLAC lossless Canto-pop library for streaming. With more than 20,000 tracks in its catalogue, MOOV is the best music streaming service for Hong Kong music lovers. The 24-bit music library includes the latest hits from Hong Kong and other regions, bringing together classical […]