Creativity in music more important than AI

Creativity in music more important than AI

Creativity in music more important than AI according to a recent study by IFPI, representing the recording industry worldwide. The research comes from the forthcoming Engaging with Music 2023, IFPI’s global report examining how fans around the world engage with, and feel about, music. With responses from more than 43,000 people across 26 countries, the report is the largest music study of its kind and the most detailed insight into fan thinking. This year, for the first time, […]

Artificial Intelligence - AI

US streaming will grow by a third in 2019

US streaming will grow by a third in 2019 crossing $8 billion according to the US Consumer Tech Sales report compiled by the Consumer Technology Association. On-demand music services including Apple Music, Pandora and Spotify will see a 33% revenue growth in the year as increased adoption of products such as wireless earbuds and smart speakers drive more music subscriptions. According to the CTA, US consumer tech sales are expected to reach $401 billion in […]