Apple Music now has classical music iOS app

Apple Music now has classical music iOS app

Apple Music now has classical music iOS app in addition to a web front-end which was released towards the back end of last year. Concertino transforms Apple Music into a classical music jukebox allowing you to browse composers, genres and periods, create playlists of multi-movement works, start no-nonsense radio stations and more. The rationale behind Concertino according to its developer is that “Classical music demands a very different approach: it is based on composers, works, […]

Concertino - classical music front-end for Apple Music

Classical music front-end for Apple Music

Concertino is an open source classical music front-end for Apple Music. It uses Open Opus data and combines it with automated analysis of the Apple Music’s own metadata in order to create an adequate user experience for classical music. It relies on crowdsourced curation as well for additional verification and refinement. Concertino is web-based with an iOS app in development and is free to use. It can be found here. The app is fairly straightforward […]