Primephonic Composer screenshot

Primephonic relaunches its classical music streaming service

Primephonic which has been replatforming has announced the large scale launch of its classical music streaming service in the US, UK and the Netherlands. Primephonic’s catalogue contains over 1 million tracks from Warner Classics, Sony Classical, Universal Music Classical, Decca, Deutsche Grammophon and EMI and another 400+ labels from around the world. The company believes that classical music lovers can finally stream and download nearly all classical music that has ever been recorded in CD-quality. […]

San Diego Convention Center

Qobuz to preview HiRes at CEDIA Expo San Diego

Qobuz have announced that they will preview their HiRes Audio music streaming and download service at CEDIA Expo in the San Diego Convention Center. Qobuz offers an extensive catalogue of HiRes audio (24-bit, up to 192kbps) including hard-to-find jazz and classical albums and tracks. Qobuz works on Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows on both mobile and desktop and is integrated with a large range of high end HiFi equipment. ‘We are excited to give industry […]

Qobuz has been named the Official High-Resolution Streaming Service for the upcoming 15th Annual Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF), the largest high-end consumer audio show in North America.

Qobuz to debut HiRes in US

HiRes music streaming and download service, Qobuz, will make its HiRes debut in the US at the Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest this October. The Paris-based music streamer has been named the Official High-Resolution Streaming Service for the upcoming 15th Annual Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF), the largest high-end consumer audio show in North America. With the company making its official American launch in October, RMAF will give high-end audio enthusiasts a chance to […]