
mora qualitas HiRes streaming goes live

Sony’s mora qualitas HiRes streaming service ‘Powered by Napster’ goes live with a two month free trial period starting now. A limited free trial starts now and if you continue to use the service after the 25th November you will be automatically switched to a formal 30-day free trial effectively giving you a two month free trial period. At the present, mora qualitas is only available on Mac and Windows PCs with the streamer promising […]

mora qualitas logo

Japanese HiRes streamer unveils look

mora qualitas, the Japanese HiRes streamer unveils look ahead of its launch on the 24th October with screenshots of some of the app’s design, features and distribution lineup. The app’s home screen displays three sets of artists related to your playback history and preferences. It also provides a chance to discover new music. mora qualitas have prepared biographies that contains a wealth of information, including the background of the artist, as well as the release […]

mora qualitas screenshot

mora qualitas will launch next week

mora qualitas will launch next week on the 24th October after its launch was delayed from the spring of this year. The full mora qualitas service will start its official service on the 25th November but prior to this, a free trial will be held from the 24th October to the 24th November. If users continue to use the service after the 25th November, they will effectively enjoy mora qualitas free of charge for a […]

RIAJ music and copyrights

RIAJ calls on Apple to crack down on unauthorised music apps

The Recording Industry Association of Japan – RIAJ calls on Apple to crack down on unauthorised music apps as part of a request by four music industry associations and four music streaming providers for Apple to act more decisively. It suggests that this should be done through stricter pre-screening and faster takedowns and is aimed at ‘Unauthorized Music Apps’ which stream music in ways that flout copyright and other legitimate rights. The organisations that have […]

mora qualitas logo

Japanese HiRes streaming service delayed

Japanese HiRes streaming service delayed according to mora qualitas – a joint venture between Sony Music and Rhapsody International which was announced in December 2018. In a newsletter the mora qualitas team announced that progress had been delayed and that ‘the service start scheduled for early spring 2019 will be put off till the autumn.’ Apologizing for the delay the mora qualitas staff promised to keep newsletter subscribers updated with progress. To subscribe to mora […]

RIAJ Yearbook 2019

Japan follows trend to music streaming

Japan follows trend to music streaming which made up 54% of sales in 2018 with a 33% year on year growth amounting to 34.9 Bn Yen (~£251 million) according to figures compiled by the RIAJ, The Recording Industry in Japan. In 2018, the total value of recorded music (audio and music videos) increased 4% from the previous year to 240.3 Bn yen, the first year-on-year increase in three years, despite a 4% decline in unit […]

Yen coins

Japan should look to China for future streaming growth

Japan should look to China for future streaming growth according to media and technology analysts, MIDiA Research. Despite being the world’s second largest recorded music market accounting for 14% of the global total, Japanese recorded music revenues fell by 3.3% in 2018 (US dollar value) or 1.8% (Yen value). Although streaming was up 30% in 2018, physical sales still accounted for 69% of all revenues. CD sales and monetising fandom One of the major drivers […]