Qobuz Studio HiRes Offer

Qobuz launches new Studio HiRes streaming service

Qobuz launches new Studio HiRes streaming service for £24.99 a month with unlimited lossless HiRes streaming in 24-bit FLAC from 44.1kHz to 192kHz. Subscriptions to Qobuz Studio will be available monthly with no commitment. This brings down the cost of HiRes streaming and downloads to nearly the same cost as its competitors’ CD Quality offerings and only £5 per month more than its CD Quality HiFi subscription. For new members, a 1 month free-trial period […]

San Diego Convention Center

Qobuz to preview HiRes at CEDIA Expo San Diego

Qobuz have announced that they will preview their HiRes Audio music streaming and download service at CEDIA Expo in the San Diego Convention Center. Qobuz offers an extensive catalogue of HiRes audio (24-bit, up to 192kbps) including hard-to-find jazz and classical albums and tracks. Qobuz works on Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows on both mobile and desktop and is integrated with a large range of high end HiFi equipment. ‘We are excited to give industry […]

Stacks of CDs

CD Quality Music Streaming

For those of us who aspire to HiFi standards and have spent more money than we would like to admit to our significant others on that shiny bit of kit in the living room, streaming MP3 quality music seems a giant leap backwards. Sidestepping the arguments over whether vinyl discs or CDs are better music sources for true audiophiles, the CD has been the go to music source of choice for the vast majority of […]

Qobuz has been named the Official High-Resolution Streaming Service for the upcoming 15th Annual Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF), the largest high-end consumer audio show in North America.

Qobuz to debut HiRes in US

HiRes music streaming and download service, Qobuz, will make its HiRes debut in the US at the Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest this October. The Paris-based music streamer has been named the Official High-Resolution Streaming Service for the upcoming 15th Annual Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF), the largest high-end consumer audio show in North America. With the company making its official American launch in October, RMAF will give high-end audio enthusiasts a chance to […]

Qobuz iOS app screenshot

Qobuz upgrade iOS app

Qobuz have released an updated version of its iOS app (4.0.16) with a new clearer ‘Discover’ page and a new Genre Selector. The new Discover page has improved legibility with dedicated buttons to listen directly to: A playlist The perfect album A greater distinction between ‘Panoramas’ and the Playlists The new Genre selector (which has already been incorporated into the Qobuz web player) has: A new clearer dedicated icon The ability to select a genre, […]

Amazon Echo and EchoDot - 2

What is a Smart Speaker?

Smart Speakers are internet-connected speakers controlled by voice commands coupled with an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant responding to the owner’s requests. These voice controlled personal assistants are often referred to as Voice Assistants (VA). The most popular VAs are Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Google Assistant with Siri powering Apple’s HomePod and Cortana controlling Microsoft enabled devices. Traditional electronics companies are rapidly playing catchup and Samsung recently announced its own Bixby powered speaker which is scheduled […]

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Qobuz to launch HiRes streaming service in USA

Qobuz has announced that it will be bringing its online music streaming and downloading service to the USA beginning in mid-2018. The Qobuz music catalogue containing 40-million tracks in at least 44.1kHz/16bit (CD quality) FLAC format will be made available for streaming with one million of them (equivalent to 80,000 albums) available in true HiRes 192kHz/24bit. Several formats are available for downloads (FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, WMA, WAV) and the entire catalogue is available for either […]