Qobuz partners with Canadian telco

Qobuz partners with Canadian telco

Qobuz partners with Canadian telco, Québecor who launched QUB Musique, a streaming platform in Quebec in May. The streaming service is currently in beta with a web player and mobile apps (iOS and Android) offering 50 million tracks in 320kbps MP3. There is no information available about the possible availability of the service in the rest of Canada or whether higher audio quality streams could be rolled out in the future. The QUB music platform […]

Apple Music now has classical music iOS app

Apple Music now has classical music iOS app

Apple Music now has classical music iOS app in addition to a web front-end which was released towards the back end of last year. Concertino transforms Apple Music into a classical music jukebox allowing you to browse composers, genres and periods, create playlists of multi-movement works, start no-nonsense radio stations and more. The rationale behind Concertino according to its developer is that “Classical music demands a very different approach: it is based on composers, works, […]


Spotify library limit removed

Spotify library limit removed giving users an unlimited number of saved items in their library although playlist and download limits will stay the same. The limit removal also applies to liked songs and albums. The limit removal was announced in a posting on Spotify’s community pages and points out that “Since 2014, the request to remove this limit has been very popular in the Community Ideas Exchange, with over 12,500 votes.” Before now, it was […]


Deezer brings back 3 month free offer

Deezer brings back 3 month free offer for its Premium, HiFi and Family plans in a limited time offer. Family and HiFi plans normally cost €14.99/month, while Premium is €9.99 but now, you’ll get the first three months completely free. Deezer Family lets up to six people enjoy 56 million songs, podcasts and live radio channels. Deezer Family features Up to six individual Deezer profiles with up to 13 total connected devices (mobile phones, tablets, […]