BBC Sounds app gets upgrades

Play queue controls and Sonos app integration

BBC Sounds app gets upgrades
BBC Sounds app gets upgrades

BBC Sounds app gets upgrades including the ability to control their play queue and integration into the Sonos app. Listeners with iOS devices will now be able to add, sort and delete items in their play queue.

How to control your play queue in BBC Sounds

To access the queue, when listening to any podcast, radio show or music mix on Sounds, listeners can tap on the button in the bottom right of the screen.


Pressing this button shows the upcoming items in the play queue. When listening to a series, a new podcast for example, this automatically fills up with the next and all upcoming episodes. Listeners can then sort the order of upcoming items by dragging them up or down the queue, or delete things they’ve already heard by swiping the item left and selecting ‘Delete’ – if they’ve already listened to a particular episode of Desert Island Discs, for example.


To add a new or different item to the play queue, listeners go to the podcast, music mix or radio show they want to add and press the more button, which will bring up a list of actions they can take, including ‘add to queue’.


An Android version is promised ‘soon’.

BBC Sounds launches on Sonos

SOURCE: BBC - BBC Sounds programmes available in Sonos
SOURCE: BBC – BBC Sounds programmes available in Sonos

In December 2021 BBC Sounds launched in the Sonos app. Listeners with Sonos speakers in the UK will now be able to discover and enjoy BBC radio, music mixes and podcasts, using the Sonos app for smartphones and tablets.

Just like the BBC Sounds web, TV and mobile apps, this experience lets listeners browse by categories like True Crime, Feel Good Tunes and Life Stories, find the latest shows, podcasts and mixes they’ve subscribed to on BBC Sounds, and get recommendations based on previous listening when signed into their BBC account. It also lets people pick up where they left off with the Continue Listening feature and they can see what track they’re currently listening to live.

SOURCE: BBC - BBC Sounds in Sonos app
SOURCE: BBC – BBC Sounds in Sonos app

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