Fewer Britons are illegally downloading music

10% of Britons admit to downloading music illegally

Downloading at computer

Fewer Britons are illegally downloading music according to a recent YouGov poll. YouGov’s Music Report reveals that one in ten Britons (10%) download music illegally, down from 18% five years ago.

This number looks set to decrease. While 63% of those that illegally download music expect to still be doing so in five years, 22% do not. Added to this, 36% say that using unverified sources to access music is becoming more difficult.

SOURCE: YouGov - Future illegal downloading
SOURCE: YouGov – Future illegal downloading

This decrease can be in part attributed to the rise of streaming services. Over six in ten (63%) that have stopped illegally downloading music now use streaming services.

Survey participants were asked to articulate why they made this change. One said that ‘It is now easier to stream music than to pirate it. And the cost is not prohibitive’, while another believed that ‘Spotify has everything from new releases to old songs, it filled the vacuum, there was no longer a need for using unverified source.’

Of course, there is a group that continues to download illegally. Of this cohort, over half (51%) say that they find it frustrating when music is released exclusively through one platform, while 44% say that they only download illegally when they couldn’t access the music anywhere else.

While illegal downloads still present a significant challenge to the music industry, there appears to be some light at the end of the tunnel. YouGov research revealed a change in behaviour, with those that previously attained music by unlawful means now being enticed by the low costs and ease of use associated with streaming.