Qobuz goes live in Canada

HiRes streamer now in 26 countries

Qobuz goes live in Canada
Qobuz goes live in Canada

Qobuz goes live in Canada making its HiRes streaming and download service available in 26 countries. The launch was originally promised for May but they have managed to deliver ahead of time. After Northern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in 2021, and Latin America in 2022, Qobuz’ arrival today in Canada responds to a growing need among Canadian music aficionados and audiophiles for high-quality music streaming and download offerings.

Qobuz has an extensive lossless catalogue available for both streaming and download in CD quality and high resolution (HiRes) formats. As Canada’s music market has expanded over the years (more than 8% growth in 2022, making it the 8th biggest music market worldwide according to the Global Music Report 2022), Qobuz’ launch responds to the growing need among Canadian music lovers and audiophiles for high quality music streaming offers.

Qobuz’ user experience is designed for discovery and musical diversity with its online Magazine which offers artist interviews, in-depth articles and a section dedicated to HiFi gear. Each week, the editorial team selects an eclectic array of artists and albums, known or emerging, for listeners to (re)discover, and playlists are updated with carefully hand-picked tracks. All musical genres – rock, jazz, classical, pop, R&B, electronic, world, metal, etc. – are catered for.

Qobuz has recently introduced a community based Qobuz Club which offers audiophiles and music lovers from all over the world a unique place where they can share their musical discoveries and recommendations as well as advice on HiFi equipment.

Georges Fornay, Deputy CEO of Qobuz said, “Qobuz is the only platform in the world to offer unparalleled sound quality (high resolution music streaming and downloads), coupled with an exclusive cultural magazine with thousands of articles dedicated to music. Qobuz is aimed at a demanding and discerning audience looking for alternatives to the mainstream. With a population of over 37 million and a rich and diverse music scene, Canada represents a significant potential market. The platform is eagerly awaited by many music lovers and audiophiles, and we are delighted to see them join the Qobuz community and meet the growing demand and increased requirements in terms of sound quality.”

Neil Young, veteran Canadian singer-songwriter and a keen advocate of high quality audio commented, “Canada will have the great gift of quality listening when Qobuz opens!”

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