Spotify takes Car Thing for a test drive

Voice controlled music and podcast device trial

Spotify takes Car Thing for a test drive
Spotify takes Car Thing for a test drive

Spotify takes Car Thing for a test drive to learn more about people’s in car listening habits and preferences. In a blog posting they have announced the trial of a voice-controlled music and podcast device called ‘Car Thing’. The trial which is limited at the moment to the US is for a small group of invited Spotify Premium users with the promise that “We might do similar voice-specific tests in the future, so don’t be surprised if you hear about ‘Voice Thin’ and ‘Home Thing’.”

According to Spotify Americans spend 70 billion hours behind the wheel each year and this is why the streamer is trying to learn more about people’s listening habits and preferences to help create an unparalleled in car experience for users.

The company states that “We don’t have any current plans to make this specific device available to consumers, but the learnings from our test will dictate how we develop experiences everywhere you listen.”

Given the huge market that in car entertainment represents if the trials turn out to be successful look out for Google and Alexa Car Things turning up as stocking fillers next Christmas.

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