TMEFolk Radio

Blues, Roots and more - Updated 06/06/2021

TMEFolk Radio
TMEFolk Radio

TMEFolk Radio was an internet radio station broadcasting ‘Blues, Roots, Americana, Bluegrass, country, Folk and a little bit of this and that’ in CD Quality Lossless FLAC. They played “All time favourites, new and old tracks, known and unknown all with the guarantee of quality of being chosen by our resident experts.” They also offered a request service. TMEFolk Radio was one of a roster of 3 radio stations – TMEFolk Radio, Radio BluesFlac and TMEFM Radio.

The station used Radio Mast’s CD Quality lossless FLAC hosting based in Canada.

Update: 06/06/2021 – The station made this announcement, “Radio TMEFolk has gone to rest. After just over a year we decided to stop TMEFOLK for the simple reason no one was listening. We tried and failed. So no longer three of the best but Double Trouble.”

URLs kept for historical interest


Web player:

Streaming URLs

CD Quality Lossless FLAC:

CD Quality Lossless FLAC using VLC on iPhone/iPad:

To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.

To get further information on:

  • How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.
  • How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.

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